Aug 242018



Flow reactor equipment that was used in the piloting of the aldol flow chemistry. (a) The tube-in-shell heat exchangers were used to control stream temperature upstream and downstream of the (b) Y-mixer. Valves and ports on Y-mixer enabled flushing of lines and incorporation of inline thermocouples.

Abstract Image

Examples of continuous flow reactions in the laboratory setting are becoming commonplace in pharmaceutical drug substance research. Developing these processes for robust commercialization and identifying the scale-up parameters remains a challenge. An aldol reaction in the formation of an active pharmaceutical ingredient intermediate was developed in flow at the milliliter scale. Research focused on identifying conditions that led to robust and stable operating conditions. Desired reaction performance was achieved in various mixers across reactor scales by identifying conditions that led to similar flow regimes. Conditions from the lab were transferred to the pilot plant to successfully process ∼200 kg of the starting material.

Development and Scale-Up of a Continuous Reaction for Production of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Intermediate

Process Research and DevelopmentMerck & Co., Inc., P.O. Box 2000, Rahway, New Jersey 07065, United States
Org. Process Res. Dev., Article ASAP
DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.8b00192


A flow chemistry process for sustainable operations was developed by utilizing THF as a cosolvent to improve the solubility of the reagent degradants. Process robustness was further established by understanding the impact of mixing, residence time, and solvent composition on reaction performance. Identifying a suitable flow regime via the Reynolds number was identified as the scaling parameter for this flow reaction and used to scale the flow reaction from 20 mL/min in the lab to 1.6 L/min in the production environment. A modular flow reactor skid was fabricated for facile integration of flow chemistry components with existing batch equipment and was used to process 200 kg of starting material.


///////////////Development, Scale-Up,  Continuous Reaction, Production, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, Intermediate, flow chemistry, mixing sensitive reaction, scale-up


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